MVS Sackler Library technical report
Oxford Behind the Meter
Oxford Behind the Meter
Project LEO is taking an agile approach to developing and testing new flexibility services. This is achieved through minimum viable system (MVS) trials which use the minimum set of requirements to test a new hypothesis or adaptation from previous iterations.
The third type of flexibility service identified as an MVS trial within LEO is demand side response (DSR). Oxford Behind the Meter (OBM) is a LEO plug-in project investigating the opportunity of DSR within Oxford city in the provision of both flexibility services and additional benefits made possible through virtual private wires applied across city-based organisations. The Sackler Library, part of the Bodleian Libraries, was chosen for the first trials. This was due to its uniform energy use as a library, high thermal inertia due to book storage, high level of environment monitoring and electricity metering, and its ongoing involvement with other University of Oxford sustainability projects.