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Charlotte Hewes


  • News

    News:LEO welcomes into flexibility market trials

    Project Local Energy Oxfordshire (LEO) has marked the first live flexibility trade with an external partner, paving the way for small businesses to deliver grid services that will help balance the network. Local Energy Oxfordshire (LEO) is running trials of live flexibility trading, using a platform that has been designed and built by SSEN’s TRANSITION…
  • News

    News:Innovative new data sharing tool being trialled by LEO

    Project LEO partner Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has launched a new and innovative network data tool which will be trialled by the project. The ‘Near Real-time Data Access’ (NeRDA) tool will provide stakeholders and participants in LEO’s trials with near real-time access to data, helping inform local plans, products, and services in the…
  • News

    News:LEO Newsletter, Issue 6, Jan 2021

    We’ve published our latest newsletter. Read about the new ground-mount solar park in Oxfordshire – Ray Valley Solar – plus opportunities to take part in flexibility market trials, and much much more. If you haven’t yet subscribed to our newsletter you can do that here. Click on the download to read the full newsletter.
  • News

    News:LEO’s preparations for a net zero future supported with innovative new technology

    Local Energy Oxfordhsire has now installed over 80 low-voltage monitors throughout Oxfordshire. The monitors will alert SSEN to changing levels of demand in real time and assist in targeting investment on the road to net zero. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has forecast that by 2050 demand on electricity networks could treble as the UK…
  • News

    News:Oxfordshire-based social enterprise to build UK’s largest community-owned solar park

    LEO partner the Low Carbon Hub has purchased the rights to a 19 MW ground mount solar park which, once built, will be the largest community-owned solar park in the UK. The project, called Ray Valley Solar, will generate 18 GWh of clean electricity each year, enough to power over 6,000 homes. To finance the…
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