- News
News:Completion of first automated flexibility procurement
Project LEO is really pleased to announce a new milestone was reached as we ran our first end-to-end flexibility procurement process. LEO project partner Piclo, have developed a series of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which means the ‘Piclo Flex’ marketplace software was able to automate manual procurement practices. This functionality integrated Piclo Flex with Scottish… - News
News:Our flexibility market trials start up again
Project LEO is working closely with the SSEN-led TRANSITION project running flexibility market trials, testing how a real-life market for delivering flexibility services might work. As part of Project LEO, we are running three trial periods, each of growing complexity, to enable us to test the trading of a range of different flexibility services. This… - News
News:Transitioning to a net zero energy system: smart systems and flexibility plan 2021
Last month (July) the government published its plan on how we will transition to a smart, flexible, and decarbonised energy system. Project LEO welcomes the publication as it focuses on how we can deliver a zero carbon future with a smart flexible energy system. One that understands the importance of local delivery and includes people…