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Learning and dissemination

Learning and dissemination are crucial elements of any innovation project. Project LEO will support the replicability of project successes across the UK, through knowledge sharing, active communication strategies and senior level advocacy. These activities will aid in encouraging further investment across the UK during the 2020s. To enable this, Project LEO will focus on three key functions:

Research with the project’s commercial stakeholders will develop and refine the business model throughout the life of the project to support scalability and rapid replication of the model. This will seek to understand how LEO delivers value to the range of commercial stakeholders it hopes to engage, working collaboratively with them to ensure the value proposition meets their needs.

Project LEO will actively identify and engage with a wide range of existing and emerging stakeholders on a regional, national and international basis. The stakeholders will be both internal and external to Project LEO, with the aim of identifying stakeholder needs, interests and opportunities for further engagement.

A crucial part of Project LEO is the dissemination of project outputs and learnings to external stakeholders and the general public. Sign up here to stay up to date with Project LEO, receive our monthly newsletter and invitations to future events.

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