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  • Blog

    Blog:Osney Supercharge – trialling how communities can collaborate to create a smart, local energy system

    At the heart of Project LEO are our Smart and Fair Neighbourhood trials, where we have been working within six communities to test a range of energy flexibility services, helping us to build the smarter, low-carbon, locally balanced energy systems we need to move towards our net-zero future. As our society shifts to using electric cars, and away from gas, we will see increased stress on the local electricity network, so we need to look at ways we can manage this.
  • Blog

    Blog:Welcoming Equiwatt as a new partner

    The Project LEO team were delighted recently to welcome a new partner that will provide innovative, smart technology to help us to test the impact of energy reduction on our local electricity network. As we continue to feel the effects of the energy and cost of living crises and the recent cold snap made many…
  • Blog

    Blog:A look into Project LEO’s Theory of change

    At first look, the most recent iteration of the Project LEO Theory of Change (TOC) is an incredibly complex diagram with many different stages and activities, which it is. However, it is also a handy tool to explain the drivers, elements and objectives that make up the whole of Project LEO. It also represents a…
  • Blog

    Blog:A look back at the second phase of our market trials

    Trial Period 2 (or TP2) refers to the second of three periods of our Market Trials. These trials are a collaborative programme of trials into local energy flexibility that are being run by SSEN TRANSITION and Project LEO. Trial Period 1 (TP1) of the Market Trials ran from September 2021 to February 2022. This report…
  • News

    News:Low Carbon Hub CEO speaks on energy demand reduction

    At the recent Eynsham Great Big Energy Saving Event, Barbara Hammond, founder and CEO of the Low Carbon Hub, a Project LEO partner gave a talk that highlighted the importance of demand reduction for the UK energy agenda. Barbara set the scene, reflecting the worry for people across the UK as the energy and cost…
  • News

    News:Completion of first automated flexibility procurement

    Project LEO is really pleased to announce a new milestone was reached as we ran our first end-to-end flexibility procurement process. LEO project partner Piclo, have developed a series of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which means the ‘Piclo Flex’ marketplace software was able to automate manual procurement practices. This functionality integrated Piclo Flex with Scottish…
  • News

    News:Project LEO at Energy Innovation Summit 2022

    Project LEO at Energy Innovation Summit 2022 Project LEO and TRANSITION featured in SSEN’s booth at the Energy Innovation Summit at Glasgow’s SEC on September 28th and 29th. Previously known as the Energy Networks Innovation Conference (ENIC), this event was hosted by a collaboration of BEIS, Innovate UK, Ofgem and Regen and this year, it…
  • Blog

    Blog:Explaining the People’s Power Station 2.0

    When we picture a power station, what generally springs to mind is a massive structure full of complex technical equipment that produces electricity. The People’s Power Station 2.0 is a bit different, so we wanted to take the opportunity to explain what it is, why it’s invaluable to the work of Project LEO and Low…
  • Blog

    Blog:Mapping Oxfordshire’s energy transition

    The importance of a local, place-based approach in the transition to a net zero energy system is becoming increasingly clear. Project LEO’s spatial mapping tools are being developed to support local area energy planning both at a strategic level (work led by Oxfordshire County Council) and at a community scale – Oxford Brookes University’s Local…
  • News

    News:Osney Supercharge update

    Eight properties on the island now have new solar panels installed, and six storage batteries have been installed with two of them at Osney Lock Hydro, as part of Osney Supercharge. This project is investigating the potential for local electricity generation, including the power from Osney Lock Hydro, to reduce pressure on the electricity grid…
  • News

    News:Great Big Green Week with Eynsham Smart and Fair Futures

    The last week of September was Great Big Green Week, a celebration of community action to tackle climate change. Transition Eynsham Area (GreenTEA), a low carbon community group and partner in the Eynsham Smart & Fair Futures LEO trial, ran a series of events to help local people address climate change. Part of the event…
  • Blog

    Blog:A chat with Smart Heat Pump Trial participants

    We recently caught up with Richard and Moira who are participants in our Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Smart Flex Heat Pump Trial to learn a bit more about what their experience has been so far. The couple live in a 20-year-old end terrace four-story house in North Oxford. Having previously installed solar panels on their…
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