- News
- Our flexibility market trials start up again
Project LEO is working closely with the SSEN-led TRANSITION project running flexibility market trials, testing how a real-life market for delivering flexibility services might work.
As part of Project LEO, we are running three trial periods, each of growing complexity, to enable us to test the trading of a range of different flexibility services. This means that we are asking trial participants who can generate, store, or use energy to temporarily either turn up their generation of electricity, turn down their energy demand, or vice versa. Businesses taking part can be paid for the flexibility they provide. And this flexibility helps the network operator to balance the network, keeping it secure.
In the first trial period (November 21-March 22) we tested a handful of flexibility services and we’re looking forward to expanding this out in the upcoming trial period (starting in May 2022) to include the trading of spare import or export capacity with network neighbours. You can see more about the different flexibility services here.
Also new to this second trial period, is an increase in the amount that flexibility providers can be paid for their services to a maximum of £1,200 per MWh (this is for Dynamic DSO Constraint Management).
Participating in the trials are a range of organisations as well as project LEO partners. For example, Low Carbon Hub will be taking part with their portfolio of renewable energy assets, including Sandford Hydro, Rose Hill battery, as well as aggregating their rooftop solar PV arrays together in order to provide flexibility.

We look forward to sharing news and updates from this trial period.