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Reports and publications

You can find all reports and publications related to Project LEO here.

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  • Report

    Report:Engagement and Inclusion Report

    This ‘Engagement and Inclusion’ report recaps our key learnings from Project LEO, distilling them into an easy-to-follow Playbook of ‘how to’ guides to be used for further engagement for LEO-N as well as further afield. Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) was one of the UK’s most ambitious, wide-ranging and innovative energy trials, seeking to accelerate…
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO Final Report: A digest of key learnings

    Project LEO Final Report: a digest of key learnings. March 2023 saw the end of Project LEO, one of the UK’s most ambitious, wide-ranging and innovative energy trials. Over the four years since its launch, this collaborative project has conducted multiple trials, issued numerous reports and gained vital insight into how a smart and flexible…
  • Report

    Report:People’s Power Station 2.0: Developing a digital environment that creates value through Smart Community Energy Systems

    People’s Power Station 2.0: Developing a digital environment that creates value through Smart Community Energy Systems This report documents the ongoing development of the People’s Power Station 2.0(PPS2.0), a highly innovative digital environment that acts as an enabler for bothcreating and capturing value through a focus on Smart Community EnergySystems (SCES). The approach taken is…
  • Report

    Report:Designing Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trials Ethically

    At its heart, Project LEO has been as much about social innovation and equity as technical learning, particularly in relation to our Smart and Fair Neighbourhoods (SFN). So it was vital that participants in these trials and the communities involved were managed and treated respectfully and ethically.
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO Base lining Working Group Summary Report

    Project LEO Baselining Working Group Summary Report This report aims to summarise the discussion and learnings relating to baselining that arose throughout the real-world trials carried out as part of Project LEO and TRANSITION. These trials ran between November 2021 and February 2023. The work includes an analysis of the accuracy of the methods used,…
  • Report

    Report:Residential Demand Side Response: An Aggregator’s Report on Local Flexibility

    Residential Demand Side Response: An Aggregator’s Report on Local Flexibility Project LEO partner equiwatt have authored a robust and informative report on the lessons learned from recruiting and trialing for flexibility across Oxfordshire. “In producing this report, we have developed consumer insights based on the recruitment channels used, the recruitment outcomes, conducted a survey of…
  • Report

    Report:Learning from the Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trials

    Learning from the Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trials “This paper reports on the learning we have actually achieved through the hyperlocal SFN trials, sets out the key messages from our learning and describes further work we would like to do to bring the concept to market through viable, valuable, ethical, repeatable and scalable business models.…
  • Report

    Report:Annual Interviews with Project Partners, Year 4

    Annual Interviews with Project Partners, Year 4 This report presents findings from the fourth annual interviews conducted with project partners as part of Work Pack 6, focussing on key themes that emerged during these interviews, including: • Sources of transaction costs for different actors in SLES and approaches to reduce them• Learnings about co-creation activities…
  • Report

    Report:Barriers and opportunities for stakeholder engagement

    Barriers and opportunities for stakeholder engagement Project LEO has produced a series of Barriers and Opportunities Reports throughout the project. This short report focusses on barriers and opportunities to stakeholder engagement within Project LEO. It is based interviews with project partners on this topic, together with information synthesised from other reports. The report highlights 10…
  • Report

    Report:Summary Report on flexibility assessments undertaken on Oxford City Council leisure buildings

    Summary Report of the flexibility assessments undertaken on Oxford City Council leisure buildings This report draws out and interprets what was learned from the experience of assessing flexibility (rather than giving technical details and specific information about Council assets, except where relevant to the learning. The technical detail has been provided by Consortio Ltd to…
  • Report

    Report:Net Zero Rose Hill Local Roadmap Report

    Net Zero Rose Hill Local Roadmap Report This report focuses just on the key question of developing a local roadmap for Rose Hill. It does not set out to provide an evaluation of the whole SFN. This report is split into several sections. Firstly, it sets out the approach taken through Project LEO to the…
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO and TRANSITION Market Trials Report (Period 2)

    Project LEO and TRANSITION Market Trials Report (Period 2) This report focuses on TP2 (Trial Period 2), building on the learnings from TP13 and informing the future scope of TP3 (the final trial period of the project). TP1 focused on mobilising the technology, markets and recruiting market participants. Through TP2, the focus has been increasing…
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