- Reports
- Engagement and Inclusion Report
This ‘Engagement and Inclusion’ report recaps our key learnings from Project LEO, distilling them into an easy-to-follow Playbook of ‘how to’ guides to be used for further engagement for LEO-N as well as further afield.
Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) was one of the UK’s most ambitious, wide-ranging and innovative energy trials, seeking to accelerate the UK’s transition to a zero-carbon energy system. The project ran trials across Oxfordshire which looked to build a broad range of reliable evidence of the technological, market and social conditions needed for a greener, more flexible, and fair electricity system.
As well as exploring technical aspects of the energy system, Project LEO explored approaches to increase engagement, participation and inclusion in the transition to net zero.
LEO-N (Local Energy Oxfordshire-Neighbourhood) is building on this work at a more local level.
This report and Playbook covers the tools and techniques useful relating to five key areas in relation to engagement and maximum participation in a new energy system:
- Stakeholder mapping
- Defining your audience and market
- Creating value
- Increasing participation
- Customer protection
In it we reference other techniques and resources developed by others to help people interested in supporting the development of a smart, fair energy system.
We anticipate that we will continue to develop and refine these tools and techniques and add to the Playbook over time.
The Playbook
- Stakeholder mapping – LEO Power Change Matrix
- Defining your audience:
- Creating value:
- Increasing participation:
- Ethical Principles
- Checklist for effective communication