- Reports
- First year synthesis report
Project LEO was set up to deliver a transformative integrated smart local energy system (SLES) to maximise prosperity and demonstrate new value creation opportunities, develop innovative funding models for new Distributed Energy Resources (DER), and demonstrate novel local energy markets.
This report sets out what has been learned while translating this ambition into practice during the first year 1 of LEO, with some comments on implications for the remainder of the project. Year 1 experience has shown the value of a flexible, modular approach to implementing energy transition – development of Minimum Viable Systems (MVS), designed for rapid learning. It has raised organisational, data and connectivity issues that will need addressing throughout the project.
The first year’s work has also shown the significance of different types and scales of demand in each substation area and the many roles which people play in energy systems, e.g., as investors, operators of generation, storage and demand-side assets, and practitioners in engagement and governance.