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Reports and publications

You can find all reports and publications related to Project LEO here.

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  • Report

    Report:Creating Superpowers: Capable Communities in Smart Local Energy Systems

    Creating Superpowers: Capable Communities in Smart Local Energy Systems This report was submitted by Dr. Nicholas Banks as part of 2022’s European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy conference on the topic of “community Level Capabilities in smart local energy systems”.
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO Theory of Change

    Theory of Change Project LEO’s Theory of Change (ToC) shows how LEO’s activities interact in the fulfilment of its ultimate objectives and linkage between those and the intended outcomes of the project. Underlying assumptions and enablers of each activity are also identified.      The ToC has been iteratively amended and reorganised as the project has progressed and…
  • Report

    Report:Annual Synthesis Report- Year 3

    Annual Synthesis Report – Year 3 Our Annual Synthesis Report brings together lessons learned during the Third Year (Y3) of Project LEO. It summaries findings from 15 reports available on the project website, along with material from interviews with project partners in which they reflected on their experience with planning, operating and communicating a proto-SLES.…
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO and TRANSITION Market Trials Report (Period 1)

    Project LEO and TRANSITION Market Trials Report (Period 1) This report explores the learning across the end-to-end energy system as part of the Trial Period 1 for Project LEO and TRANSITION. This first set of Trials ran for 17 weeks, with 69 events, 18 assets, over 3 Bulk Supply Points (BSPs). The trials have predominately…
  • Report

    Report:Value Propositions in a Smart Local Energy System

    This report explores Value Propositions for adoption of technologies and practices enabling participation in Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES). It is based on experience of Project LEO partners in developing and implementing SLES offers. It describes sources of value and relationships between actors as they are seen by some of the main LEO stakeholders, as…
  • Report

    Report:Barriers and Opportunities – Implementing Trial Phase One

    This report focusses on learning, specifically the barriers and opportunities identified, from the first phase of Flexibility Market Trials which are being run in conjunction with SSEN’s TRANSITION project. This first phase of trials ran from November 2021 to February 2022. The trials were focused on
  • Report

    Report:Spatial analysis of a Smart and Fair Neighbourhood in Oxfordshire

    This report uses a local area energy mapping approach to derive spatial intelligence at postcode and property level of a local area – Rose Hill in Oxford city – to provide a deeper understanding of its baseline energy use, energy resources and potential for take-up of low carbon technologies to bring local energy flexibility at…
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO Standards and Protocols Report

    This report outlines the main processes and standards involved in the management ofshared data (and associated metadata) within Project LEO. The report is an update of the 2020 report where more information has been added on issues surrounding data standards and management for large consortia such as LEO. The report defines the main terms used…
  • Report

    Report:Local Energy System Modelling: Osney Island Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Case Study

    Local Energy System Modelling: Osney Island Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Case Study The Osney Bridge Street secondary substation feeds around 300 homes and half a dozen businesses on Osney Island. It is a typical example of a substation at the grid edge where both domestic and non-domestic customers are increasingly looking to connect Low Carbon…
  • Report

    Report:Project LEO Data Cleaning and Processing (March 22)

    This report highlights work that has been done on Project LEO’s tools for data cleaning and quality control since the last version of this report was published in March 2021. This report does not outline the detailed steps used to clean and improve data in LEO, but the main processes and tools implemented within LEO,…
  • Report

    Report:Minimum Viable Systems Trials : Compilation Report

    This report presents a series of examples from the MVS Programme of trials which has run from October 2020 through to September 2021. The examples are intended to demonstrate how each step of the Minimum Viable Systems (MVS) Programme progressively builds functionality for assets in enabling them to participate in local flexibility markets. It also…
  • Report

    Report:Data Workshop Report

    An annual LEO Data Workshop (the 3rd of four Project LEO Data Workshops) was held in-person at the Christchurch Research Centre on November 25th (2021) and was hosted by the University of Oxford (UoO), Oxford Brookes University (OBC) and the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). The workshop was held to highlight the current progress with the…
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