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Reports and publications

You can find all reports and publications related to Project LEO here.

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  • Report

    Report:ECEEE report – Spatio Temporal Local Area Energy Mapping

    This paper was accepted and presented at the ECEEE conference in June 2021 – one of the leading conferences on energy efficiency. Abstract Community engagement in the planning and delivery of smart local energy initiatives is essential for their long- term success. Spatial and temporal visualisation of local energy flows can be used to engage…
  • Report

    Report:ECEEE report – A capability approach to smart local energy systems: aiming for ‘smart and fair’

    This paper was accepted and presented at the ECEEE conference in June 2021 – a leading conference on energy efficiency. Abstract This paper describes early experience of using a conceptual framework of “capabilities” to understand the propensity of actors (households, businesses, flexibility providers) and communities to participate in and benefit from a Smart Local Energy…
  • Report

    Report:Data cleaning and processing

    This report will highlight work that has been done on Project LEO’s tools for data cleaning and quality control since the first version of this report was published in March 2020. This update will briefly touch on the goals of these data cleaning and data quality tools, and how they open the access to data…
  • Report

    Report:Focused Briefing: Ethical energy systems

    Welcome to our first Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) Focused Briefing. These briefings take an in depth look into specific activities, outputs and research being generated as part of the demonstrator project. Project LEO is redesigning the energy system at a local level to facilitate the transition to a zero-carbon energy future and is a…
  • Report

    Report:Commercial MVS Report March 2021

    The Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) used in project TRANSITION will be provided by LEO partners, who have flexibility in the range of 4kW to 400kW. This Commercial MVS 001 was used to this s of the existing Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) questions for organisations with DERs that have low levels of flexibility. A survey was issued…
  • Report

    Report:LEO/TRANSITION Trials Plan 2021

    This document sets out the approach for the next trial periods of Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire). It is intended to act as a reference guide for the delivery of the agreed learning objectives through the trial phases of Project LEO. This plan will enable the LEO partner organisations to understand their respective roles in…
  • Report

    Report:Data Collection and Access update

    This report outlines the main processes and standards involved in the collection and management of shared data (and associated metadata) within Project LEO. The content is an update of the 2019 report on the LEO Data Sharing Log where information has been added on current work being done to improve data access and processing. These…
  • Report

    Report:MVS A Procedural Learnings

    The minimum viable system (MVS) concept is used within Project LEO as an agile approach to developing and testing new flexibility services, business models and procedures required to operate a local flexibility market. Through the MVS approach, new value can be identified at a small scale before significant investment is committed; it is intended as…
  • Report

    Report:Year one plug-in projects review

    During year 1 of Project LEO, the Low Carbon Hub has worked with its 43 existing projects and 17 new projects to form a pipeline of ‘Plug-in Projects’ (PiP) for Project LEO. This pipeline would: Provide the range of Plug-in Projects required to complete fully automated flexibility service market1 trials by the end of Project…
  • Report

    Report:Developing an ethical framework for local energy approaches

    This document is a staging post in a three-year process to develop and test a framework to support the ethical delivery of local energy trials and the design of equitable local energy offerings. The ethical framework will provide a set of tools and processes that can be used alongside others being developed as part of…
  • Report

    Report:Data Standards And Protocol

    This report outlines the main processes and standards involved in the management of shared data (and associated metadata) within Project LEO. The report is an update of the 2019 report where more information has been added on processing and quality control of Foreground data generated in Project LEO. The report defines the main terms used…
  • Report

    Report:Data workshop report

    An overview of the Data Workshop which took place on 30 September 2020. The Data Workshop began at 10:00 am in the OeRC Conference Room, with 25 participants attending throughout the day. Engaging discussions were led by Project LEO partners on pertinent concepts of data management, utilization and engagement across a range of audiences. A…
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