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Project LEO’s smart-grid trials in Oxfordshire (so far)

HOST: Low Carbon Hub

DATE: 23 June 2020

TIME: 6-7pm

VENUE: Online

SPEAKERS: Scot Wheeler

In this webinar, Dr Scot Wheeler from the University of Oxford gives an overview the smart-grid trials which have already taken place in Oxfordshire as part of Project LEO, what has been learnt from them, and what further trials will be taking place.

Dr Scot Wheeler is a postdoctoral researcher in the Engineering Science Department, and a Fellow of the Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy. His research focus is on smart local energy systems as an option in the transition to a low carbon energy future, including working alongside the Low Carbon Hub on Project LEO. He works closely with stakeholders across Oxfordshire to promote the county as a place to demonstrate research and innovation in the low carbon energy sector.

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