What we achieved
One of the most ambitious, wide-ranging, innovative flexible energy trials ever conducted in the UK.
LEO worked on a diverse range of innovative project areas and activities. These were all aimed at accelerating our learning and providing a strong evidence base and practical guidance that would support the UK’s transition to a clean, secure and affordable energy system. We made the most of the skills, knowledge and expertise of all the project partners, with specific partners leading and participating in these different activities.
Check out all of our projects below.
Our trials
The trials conducted as part of Project LEO improved our understanding of how opportunities could be maximised and unlocked from the transition to a smarter, more flexible electricity system and how households, businesses and communities could realise these benefits.
Energy asset trials
Our energy asset trials explored the potential of various energy assets, such as a solar park or battery, to deliver flexible energy.Place-based trials
Our Smart and Fair Neighbourhood (SFN) trials demonstrated how flexibility services can sit at the heart of a smarter, low carbon, locally balanced energy system.
Our partners
LEO’s partners developed new services and platforms to support LEO’s aims and that develop or facilitate new commercial opportunities within a smart local energy system.

Data and mapping
Any future smart energy system will generate and consume numerous different types of data from a variety of sources when operational. Project LEO worked to couple the location of local energy assets (e.g. solar farms and batteries), with the time varying response of both energy generation and demand.

TRANSITION / Market trials
These trials developed markets and platforms for a new energy system. Providing flexible energy has a commercial value – it can be bought and sold. It is the network operators who buy the energy (except for peer to peer trading) by running flexible energy markets to obtain the energy they need.
Sharing what we learn
By sharing what we learn from our activities and trials we aim to significantly increase the number, range and knowledge of people empowered to play a part in the UK’s transition to net zero.