Why Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire was the ideal place to host Project LEO trials because:
- Oxfordshire was entering a period of rapid planned growth – 100,000 new homes are planned between 2016 and 2031.
- The anticipated increase in electricity demand in the county could lead to restrictions on the network so we need to find the best ways to balance supply and demand.
- Local Authorities were supportive and engaged and net zero was high on their agendas.
- There was a thriving community energy scene with a host of community-owned renewable energy projects which provided an ideal asset base to run trials and demonstrations.
- There was a lively innovation network in place involving the universities, businesses, and public sector.
This created the perfect environment for Project LEO partners to understand the opportunities new markets, technologies, and solutions could provide.
Although Oxfordshire was the test bed for Project LEO, our learning was shared with the sector across the country to benefit the whole of the UK.